What Are Stress Tests?

A stress test is a way for your Dallas metroplex cardiologist to determine how well your heart responds to stress. This is usually achieved by having you walk on a treadmill while being monitored with an EKG. You can learn more about the treatment as well as its benefits by reaching out to Dr. G. Mark Jenkins and Dr. Luis Bowen of The Cardiac and Vascular Interventional Group.

Stress Test

Your cardiologist may suggest that you undergo a stress test if they suspect a heart condition and if you may benefit from further testing and treatment.

It can help identify structural problems with the heart, both with the muscle tissue and with the valves, as well as its electrical function, and how efficiently it pumps blood.

What To Expect

During a stress test, as you may suspect from the name, your heart is made to work harder and faster by having you exercise. You will be monitored during the entire procedure to measure your heart rate, blood pressure, oxygen level, electrical activity, and how your heart compares to others.

The exercise portion lasts only a few minutes, but additional testing and preparations may make the entire test take a while longer. Your cardiologist will guide you on how to get ready for the appointment.


Your cardiologist may recommend a stress test if you have complained of symptoms related to heart disease, such as chest discomfort, or lightheadedness, or if you have symptoms of arrhythmia, like rapid and irregular heartbeats.

You may also be prescribed a stress test if you have heart disease along with other risk factors, such as diabetes.

It's also often a good idea to undergo a stress test if you're about to begin an exercise routine as part of an ongoing treatment plan.

Stress Test in Dallas Metroplex

If you are interested in exploring the benefits of undergoing a stress test you can schedule a consultation with Dr. Jenkins and Dr. Bowen of The Cardiac and Vascular Interventional Group in Dallas metroplex, by dialing (469) 437-3560.

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